Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Behind he scenes of the My Montessori Christmas Concert

 Samson, wiped out from the hectic rehersal schedule
Our TP roll Reindeer
Isabella and Prince
Gillian's Mum and Gran, helping Okhuhle get ready

We are collecting

We are always on the look out for the following things for our craft projects:
  • Toilet rolls
  • Purity and other glass jars
  • Egg boxes
  • Scrap fabric, colour paper, ribbon and string
  • Newspaper

Christmas at My Montessori

The gift bags we made for our Mums and Dads, filled with Christmas ornaments, Caledars decorated with our own artwork and our Art books.
 The beautiful Christmas tree that we all helped to decorate.
 Our teachers: Assistant Bonnie, assistant Gloria, teacher Helen, teacher Gillian, Claire and assistant Gertie.
The stage, ready for our Chrstmas concert.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Welcome to 2012!

We have lots of exciting themes planned for the FIRST term

Week 1: Orientation
Week 2: Summer
Week 3: Our 5 Senses
Week 4: My Pets
Week 5: My Family
Week 6: My Body
Week 7: Grace and Courtesy
Week 8: Looking after my Planet
Week 9: Colours
Week 10: Easter